Marvel’s “Doctor Strange” follows the story of the talented neurosurgeon Doctor Stephen Strange who, after a tragic car accident, must put ego aside and learn the secrets of a hidden world of mysticism and alternate dimensions. Based in New York City’s Greenwich Village, Doctor Strange must act as an intermediary between the real world and what lies beyond, utilising a vast array of metaphysical abilities and artifacts to protect the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Doctor Strange 2016 720p BluRay x264 | ENG 2CH | 844MB
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Doctor Strange 2016 1080p BluRay x264 | ENG 2CH | 1.79GB
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Doctor Strange 2016 1080p BluRay x265 | ENG 6CH | 1.74GB
MEGA | 1Fichier | UptoBox | UsersCloud | DropAPK | FileFactory | ClicknUpload | Uploaded