Set in 1989, the series follows 9-year-old Sheldon Cooper as he attends high school in the fictional town of Medford, Texas, and tries to fit in the world around him while his family and friends attempt to deal with his unique intellectual capabilities and social challenges. Download this TV show exclusively here at YourSerie.COM from the bests servers: MEGA, Mediafire, DropApk, 1Fichier, ZippyShare, Uploaded, Uptobox, Free, Rapidgator, etc.
Young Sheldon S04E12 WEB x264 | 2CH | 106MB
MEGA | MediaFire | 1Fichier | UptoBox | ClicknUpload | ZippyShare | UL | RG | +Hosts
Young Sheldon S04E12 720p WEB x264 | 6CH | 444MB
MEGA | UsersCloud | 1Fichier | UptoBox | ClicknUpload | | UL | RG | +Hosts
Young Sheldon S04E12 720p WEB x265 | 2CH | 82MB
MEGA | MediaFire | 1Fichier | UptoBox | ClicknUpload | ZippyShare | UL | RG | +Hosts
Young Sheldon S04E12 1080p WEB x265 | 6CH | 209MB
MEGA | MediaFire | 1Fichier | UptoBox | ClicknUpload | ZippyShare | UL | RG | +Hosts